On February 02, 2009 there was a minor earthquake in central New Jersey. Yes you read it right!!!! There was a earthquake in New Jersey!!! We usually hear about earthquakes happening on the west coast but there was one right here in out home state!! Won-Young Kim, a scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said that the earthquake happened at 10:34 and had a preliminary magnitude of 3.0. Even though no one got hurt the earthquake caused some panic and many calls were made to 911. Many people thought that there was an explosion or a bomb went off but police officers reassured everyone saying that it was only a minor earthquake. When I first heard about the earthquake in New Jersey i was really surprised because I didn't think that earthquakes could happen in New Jersey but i was also thankful becuase it wasn't a really big earthquakes and no one got hurt.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/4446140/New-Jersey-earthquake-sparks-panic.html
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