Jan 5, 2009

Current events- What is Rudolph?

WHO: Wildlife experts at Texas A&M University, Greg Finstad and Alice Blue-McLendon, a veterinary medicine professor who specializes in deer.

WHAT: A silly subject usually discussed on the internet is now being making many people wonder, "are Santa's reindeer guys or girls?" Alice Blue-McLendon says that they were most probably female because most male reindeer or bulls lose their antlers right before Christmas. Another reason for why Rudolph might be female is because a boy reindeer would not be proud of a shiny nose that glows. Alice says, "Females like accessories. I think that fits because females like bling. We like shiny stuff.

WHERE- Scientists in the US, people in Texas A&M Univeristy and people on the internet

WHEN- Around Christmas time in 2008

WHY- Just for fun and to raise Christmas spirits

MY OPINION- I personally think that Rudolph is a guy because his name sounds like a guy's name. Also because in Christmas movies and songs about him they say "he" not "she".

I got my information from- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081219/ap_on_fe_st/rudolph_s_gender;_ylt=AmNEqRZ23qJ9ZVgKcQRiIuh4hMgF

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