Jan 25, 2009

Science- current event

Who- Climate scientists around the world and Professor Eric Steig at the University of Washington
Instead of getting cooler like all scientists were saying, is being affected by global warming like the rest of the world. For a while now, scientists have been saying that while the rest of the Earth has been getting warmer, Antarctica has been getting cooler. But now research shows that Antarctica has join the rest of the continents and is being effected by global warming.
Where- In
Antarctica and the University of Washington
Since the late 1970s some parts of Antarctica have been cooling is Fall but recently the studies show that most of Antarctica has been getting warmer since global worming first started.
Why- because of global warming!
My Opinion- I think its kind of weird how scientists thought that
Antarctica was getting cooler while the rest of the Earth is getting warmer. I also think that its weird how parts of Antarctica are getting cooler while other parts are getting warmer.

I got my information from- http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/technology/5275762/scientists-find-evidence-antartica-is-warming/

Jan 22, 2009

Social Studies- Inauguration

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One January 20th, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States and Joe Biden as vice president. Barack Obama is the first African American president of America. After the inauguration there was a parade and over 20 million people were their to watch it. Even though our country still has many problems still left to solve, we are hoping our new president might be able to solve them.
The first article talks about President Obama's speech, him signing his first documents and the parade. The speech talked about how ending the war in Iraq and stopping the disputes on Capitol Hill. After the speech Barack Obama headed over to Washington's National Mall to sign his first document as the president of The United States. Many of the people who he nominated for cabinet were also there. Later on in the day senate approved most of the nominations.
The second article talked about the parade that was held after Barack Obama was sworn in. The parade started at the Capitol Building and ended at the White House. Even though it was 27 degrees, it didn't stop thousands of people coming. Over 13000 people from all 50 states participated in the parade including re-enactors from a black Civil War regiment, World War II's surviving Tuskegee Airmen, and Freedom Riders from the civil rights movement. A while after the parade started, the first family and Joe Biden's family got out out of their limo and walked the rest of the way.
I think that its great our country has a new president and hope he can bring us out of the economic crisis the country is currently facing. I think his plans and ideas will benefit our country greatly and that he will bring America back to the top again.

Article 1: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/20/obama.inauguration/index.html
Article 2: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/20/obama-exits-limo-greet-parade-watchers/

Jan 5, 2009

Current events- What is Rudolph?

WHO: Wildlife experts at Texas A&M University, Greg Finstad and Alice Blue-McLendon, a veterinary medicine professor who specializes in deer.

WHAT: A silly subject usually discussed on the internet is now being making many people wonder, "are Santa's reindeer guys or girls?" Alice Blue-McLendon says that they were most probably female because most male reindeer or bulls lose their antlers right before Christmas. Another reason for why Rudolph might be female is because a boy reindeer would not be proud of a shiny nose that glows. Alice says, "Females like accessories. I think that fits because females like bling. We like shiny stuff.

WHERE- Scientists in the US, people in Texas A&M Univeristy and people on the internet

WHEN- Around Christmas time in 2008

WHY- Just for fun and to raise Christmas spirits

MY OPINION- I personally think that Rudolph is a guy because his name sounds like a guy's name. Also because in Christmas movies and songs about him they say "he" not "she".

I got my information from- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081219/ap_on_fe_st/rudolph_s_gender;_ylt=AmNEqRZ23qJ9ZVgKcQRiIuh4hMgF